'soon this space will be too small and I'll laugh so hard that the walls cave in then I'll die three times and be born again in a little box with a golden key and a flying fish will set me free ... soon this space will be too small and I'll go outside and I'll go outside'... lhasa de sela

era uma vez...

uma VW, tu, eu e a cachopa, a caminho de Sines para assistir a um concerto que se antecipava memorável...

It's with great regret that I have to tell all of you that Beirut is canceling their summer European shows. My reasons for doing this are many, a lot of them personal, but I still feel I need to provide something of an explanation. (...)
It's come time to change some things, reinvent some others, and come back at some point with a fresh perspective and batch of songs. Please accept my apologies. I promise we'll be back, in some form. Zach

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